01482 781912 | Directions
Louise Beasley | Interim Principal

Business Studies

Investigating and building businesses

The business studies course will develop students’ ability to recall, select, communicate and apply their knowledge and understanding of business concepts, issues and terminology in a variety of contexts. Through planning and carrying out investigations and tasks they will develop the skills to analyse and evaluate evidence by making reasoned judgments and presenting appropriate conclusions.

Key Stage 4
GCSE: Business 

Students will follow the Pearson Edexcel GCSE in Business (9-1)

What will I study?

Business Studies is concerned with the actions and decisions taken by firms and focuses on topics such as marketing, staff in the organisation, accounting and finance, management, strategy and production methods.

Business Studies students will also cover some Economics, as it affects how businesses operate in their external environments. As the name suggests, the course studies how businesses function and looks at the work that various departments, such as marketing, finance, human resources, and production carry out.

The course also looks at how outside activities affect businesses, and in turn, how businesses react to these. You will learn about the important decisions that businesses face in modern, competitive, and often global, environments. You will also learn about business finance and laws that have an impact on businesses and consumers.

Key Stage 5
BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Business

Students will follow the Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Business (RQF)

What will I study?

This course gives an introduction to the business sector – an element of business would complement a learners programme of study. 

The content of this qualification has been developed in consultation with academics to ensure that it supports progression to higher education. Employers and professional bodies have also been involved and consulted to confirm that the content is appropriate and consistent with current practice for learners planning to enter employment directly in the business sector.

Learners taking this qualification will study mandatory units, which make up 100% of the learning programme covering the following content areas:

  • business environments
  • marketing and budgeting

Archbishop Sentamu Academy
1 Bilton Grove
Hull, HU9 5YB

01482 781912

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