Archbishop Sentamu Academy is a vibrant, diverse and welcoming academy community committed to securing our vision to bring the highest standards of education to the young people in our local area. Our distinctively Christian vision is that everyone will be able ‘to lead the best life possible’, now – and in the future. Our vision is lived out through our academy values of:
Respect – Community – Courage – Wisdom
We are a proud member of the Hope Sentamu Learning Trust which is a family of schools working together to create a first class education across the region.
Archbishop Sentamu Academy is on a journey, everyone working at the school is extremely proud of the progress we have made. We have the highest expectations of all our students and believe that there are no limits on what they can achieve. We understand and recognise the enormous role that our parents play in realising the true potential of all young people. At the heart of the school is our commitment to work alongside parents, carers and the local community to raise aspirations for all and to provide a high quality education for every child.
Our goal is to ensure that each individual has the skills and the knowledge needed to succeed in life and achieve their potential. In addition to learning being exciting and rewarding, it will also encourage and challenge so that our children have high aspirations.
It is a privilege to lead Archbishop Sentamu Academy.
Chris Reynolds | Principal
“I have come that you may have life in all its fullness.”
JOHN 10:10
The Golden Rule – Matthew 7:12 “Treat others as you wish to be treated”
Strong and positive relationships, where all are included and valued, and can discover their unique worth.
“The teaching and support has been outstanding over the last seven years and I’m glad we chose your school.”
“He is proud to attend this school and we are proud he is able to be part of Team Archie.”
“I would like to thank everyone at Archie; teaching and support staff for helping our daughter to achieve her very best.”