01482 781912 | Directions
Louise Beasley | Interim Principal


Transition Information

Transition Lead: Miss E Fairbank

Contact our Transition Team by email: hello@asa.hslt.academy or call: 01482 781912

You can apply for a place at our academy here: Hull City Council – Secondary School Application

New Year 7 transition presentation: click here
Key Dates: 

– Transition week is Mon 7th- Friday 11th July
– Students should wear Primary uniform all week and PE kit all day on the Friday (updates to follow regarding Friday’s event).


Useful Resources

BBC Bitesize have a large range of resources for Y6 students who may be worried about starting secondary. These will help dispel any myths and support with any transition nerves.

Link: BBC Bitesize – Starting Secondary School




Who to contact?

Wellbeing support – wellbeing@asa.hslt.academy
Sports Scholarship information – scholarship@asa.hslt.academy
General enquiries – hello@asa.hslt.academy

Getting to know your new school

Click below to find out more

Differences between primary and secondary school

– Typically, the journey to secondary school is a little longer.
With good time management, the commute will become very familiar, very quickly.

– Students wear full school uniform.
All uniform information is available on our website. Additional support is available if needed!

– Students move around the school site to different classrooms and will have individual subject teachers.
Students receive a timetable which will help them with the names of their teachers and classroom numbers.

– Students are expected to become more independent. 
Students are responsible for ensuring they have the required equipment at all times. 

– Parents may also have new responsibilities, including; ensuring lunch money is topped-up, consent forms are completed when required and have access to Edulink to keep up to date with progress and behaviour. 
We will send out support and guidance for Edulink.

The Organisation of Secondary Schools

In a primary school, the roles and titles of staff are usually quite straight forward – typically, you have a Headteacher, a Deputy Head, Teachers and Teaching Assistants. At primary school, there are usually lots of opportunities for informal playground chats with staff and you have a really close relationship with your child’s class teacher.

Due to the size of a secondary school’s staffing structure, and the large amount of roles in the school, it can seem more difficult to know who to contact. 

Your child will be placed into a tutor group in September. Their tutor will see them every day during registration and should be your first contact when you need to speak to the school. If you ever require a meeting with staff at school, please call the reception to book this.

Worrying about particular lessons

Try to find out what it is that your child is worried about exactly. Sometimes, students may find the work too hard (or even too easy) which can lead to them disliking or disengaging with the lessons. 

It does take time for individual teachers to get to know your child’s strengths and weaknesses but if you feel the issue is continuing, please contact the school or raise the issue at their Settling In Parents’ Evening (this is usually within the first half-term).

Hints & Tips for Parents/Carers

Moving to secondary school is an exciting and significant event in the life of your child.

When speaking to your child, be positive about the transition process and don’t dwell on any negative experiences you may have had at school. 

Reassure your child, everyone else will be feeling nervous about new challenges and a change in environment. 

Please look through the sections below for support and ideas around secondary school life

Good Routines

Key tasks for students

– Getting up on time
– Getting washed, dressed and preparing the required kit/equipment for the day
– Arriving to school on time
– Going straight home, after school, unless alternative plans have been agreed with parents

Tips for Parents/Carers

– Time the journey to school
– Familiarise yourself with the schools procedure for attendance reporting
– Agree a morning and bedtime routine with your child
– Help support their independence

When they start

– Praise and encourage their independence
– Ask them about their day / listen
– Review Edulink with them to check how they’re getting on
– Keep to your routine as much as possible


Key tasks for students

– Know / Keep up to date with school rules
– Get into a good routine of preparing clothes the night before
– Ensure PE kit is taken to school on the right days

Tips for Parents/Carers

– Check school uniform policy. All uniform information is available here; Uniform and equipment
– Buy uniform as early as possible to avoid unforeseen delays from uniform suppliers
– Where possible, have spares in case of emergencies
– Contact school if you have any issues with your child’s uniform

When they start

– Encourage your child to change out of the uniform straight after school where possible
– Get into a good routine/cycle for cleaning clothes
– Encourage your child to colour-code their timetable to show clearly when they have PE or require extra equipment

Following the Timetable

Key tasks for students

– Knowing what lessons take place, at what time on a particular day
– Knowing where the classroom is for each lesson
– Understanding the timetable
– Getting to lessons on time – especially after break/lunch

Tips for Parents/Carers

– Reassure your child that they will get to know the building quickly (most will be confident within two weeks)
– Floor plans are in the school planner, you could use these to help plan routes to lessons
– Familiarise yourself with the timings of the school day
– Familiarise yourself with key staff and your child’s teachers

Books and Equipment

Key tasks for students

– Looking after and remembering the correct books and equipment each day
– Using the planner to help keep themselves organised
– Having a bag packed, with everything needed, the night before

Tips for Parents/Carers

– Create a tidy and organised space for your child to store school books and equipment
– Where possible, have spares of equipment in case any items are lost at school
– Encourage your child to check their planner for any notes or reminders, each night, after school


Key tasks for students

– Ask the teacher, before you leave school, if you are unsure of the homework task
– Ensuring the homework deadline is clearly written down
– Bring home everything you need to do the homework

Tips for Parents/Carers

– Create a homework routine at home and stick to it as much as possible. Support your child with the routine for a few weeks until they get used to it
– Reward systems can be a great motivator for your child, create a fair system to encourage them to stay on track with homework
– Speak to your child about their homework, reinforce its importance and celebrate their successes

Archbishop Sentamu Academy
1 Bilton Grove
Hull, HU9 5YB

01482 781912

Send us an email

Archbishop Sentamu Academy will provide a paper copy of the information on the school website if requested. Please email us with any requests.