01482 781912 | Directions
Louise Beasley | Interim Principal


Life through a lens

Photography gives all students the experience, appreciation and skill set used in photography today. Students will look at the techniques and processes of the past and present; the influence of photographers from the past to current practitioners; and put their own theories and development into practice.

For more information, please click the following link: Art &Photography: Department on a Page

Key Stage 3
Long-term plans:


Key Stage 4
GCSE: Art and Design (Photography)

Students will follow the AQA GCSE in Art and Design (Photography)

Photography is defined as the practice of producing images using light-sensitive materials such as photographic film, or digital methods of development and production to create static or moving images.

What will I study?

In Component 1 and Component 2 students are required to work in one or more area(s) of photography, such as those listed below:

  • portraiture
  • location photography
  • studio photography
  • experimental imagery
  • installation
  • documentary photography
  • photo-journalism
  • moving image: film, video and animation
  • fashion photography.

They may explore overlapping areas and combinations of areas.

Long-term plans


Key Stage 5
AS Level Art and Design (Photography) 
A2 Level Photography

Students in years 12 and 13 will follow the GCE AS Level in Art and Design (Photography) and AQA A2 Photography

Long-term plans

Archbishop Sentamu Academy
1 Bilton Grove
Hull, HU9 5YB

01482 781912

Send us an email

Archbishop Sentamu Academy will provide a paper copy of the information on the school website if requested. Please email us with any requests.