01482 781912 | Directions
Chris Reynolds | Principal


Exams are a necessary (but not always loved) part of school life. Increasingly, students now have to prepare for more exams, especially with the removal (or reduction) of coursework in many subjects.

Archbishop Sentamu Academy ensures support and guidance is in place to help students achieve their goals and full potential.

  • In order to support students fully the Academy has a range of support services available, which include:
  • Supported Private Study (SPS) after each academy day with the subject teachers and intervention.
  • Lunch time revision sessions to each to teach key revision techniques with the Year 11 progress team.
  • Half Term revision session with subject teachers.

The academy ensures all students are aware of the resources available to support during exam preparation.

Useful Resources

Link: Lesson 6 Timetable
Link: Year 11 Exam Preparation
Link: PIXL English Literacy App
Link: Y10 Exam Preparation Evening

PIXL English App is engaging and free, proven to improve achievement by one grade if used 20 minutes 3 times a week.

To download this application, please search the app store. Please contact your class teacher for the username and password to access these apps.

In addition, prior to each series of exams all subject teachers provide revision resources and guides available to support students in a particular area. English and Science have some super guides that are purchased at a small cost.

For more information please contact the subject teacher or request resources at hello@asa.hslt.academy

SAM learning – This covers all subjects and has resources available for all exam boards.
The academy can provide the username and password to gain access, please contact, reception, subject teachers or the Year 11 progress team for log in details.

This year’s dates are currently unavailable, they will be added to the website in due course.

All students receive certificates directly from the academy when released from the Examination Board. Upon receipt of any certificates please ensure these are kept safe at all times as these are valuable.

In the event certificates are misplaced or damaged, a charge will be made to the individual by the awarding body for any replacements or statement of results.

To request a replacement please contact our Exams Officer, Miss N. Garton at the academy.

Key Dates 2023/24

Mock Exams (Autumn)

Friday 17th Nov – Tue 5th Dec – PPEs

Mock Exams (Autumn) Results Evening 

Thursday 21st Dec 

Year 11 Parents’ Evening

Thursday 11 Jan

Mock Exams (Spring)

Mon 19 Feb – Friday 3 March – PPEs

Mock Exams (Spring) Results Evening 


Summer Exams

Mon 9 May – Date of first examination on common timetable

Wed 19 June – Date of final examination on common timetable

Exam Contingency Days: Candidates are encouraged to remain available until 26 June should examinations need to be rescheduled.

6th June – Contingency afternoon session in the event of national or significant local disruption in the United Kingdom

13 June – Contingency afternoon session in the event of national or significant local disruption in the United Kingdom

26 June – Contingency day in the event of national or significant local disruption to examinations in the United Kingdom

Summer GCSE Exam results day – Thursday 22 August

Archbishop Sentamu Academy
1 Bilton Grove
Hull, HU9 5YB

01482 781912

Send us an email

Archbishop Sentamu Academy will provide a paper copy of the information on the school website if requested. Please email us with any requests.