01482 781912 | Directions
Louise Beasley | Interim Principal

Curriculum Model

Key Stage 3
  • Students follow a broad and balanced curriculum within a 3 year KS3. There is no narrowing of the curriculum via pathways at KS3. 
  • Students are set by ability in Maths and some English/MFL groups (due to a phasing-in of MFL for yr 8 and 9).  All other groups follow a mixed ability model, divided evenly across two even populations, namely x and y. 
  • There are no rotations within KS3.
  • The curriculum is sequenced in line with ambitious endpoints, as outlined in the National Curriculum (for each KS3 subject) 
  • Group sizes are between 15-30 students.
  • All lessons are 60 mins in length and there are 50 lessons per fortnight – you can see a breakdown below.
  • SMSC and British Values are delivered within PSHE and across the curriculum, but are woven throughout other national curriculum subjects, as well as in our Tutorial Programme.
  • PSHE provision is delivered as a discrete subject.

You can see the subjects available at Key Stage 3 here. 

Key Stage 4

In Y 10 and 11 we have a 2-year KS4 model.

  • In Y 10 and 11 KS4 core subjects are set by ability and option subjects are  mixed ability (RE and PSHE are taught in English classes)
  • In Y10 and 11 KS4 students are divided into two half-year populations, namely x and y.
  • In Y11, due to a phasing out of an old curriculum model, some students are completing their Motor Vehicle Level 2 qualification and a small proportion of students have complete Study Plus, designed to enhance Literacy and Numeracy through additional lessons, which results in a slight narrowing of the rest of their curriculum.
  • In Year 10, students have selected three option subjects. All students are required to study at least one subject from History, Geography, French or Chinese as part of their options.
  • All lessons are 60 mins in length and there are 25 lessons a week, we operate a 2 week cycle – you can see a breakdown below.
  • Group sizes are between 10-30.
  • SMSC and British Values are delivered within PSHE and across the curriculum.
  • PSHE provision is delivered as a discrete subject in Y10 and in Y11.

You can see the subjects available at Key Stage 4 here. 


Students at Key Stages 3 and 4 have the opportunity to follow a Sports Scholarship Programme. At both key stages, Core PE is replaced with Scholarship sessions; this curriculum is built upon statutory requirements whilst being geared towards the students’  future aspirations to play sport at a professional level.

We currently run a; Rugby Scholarship (boys), Football Scholarship (boys) and a Girls’ Multi-Sport Programme.

Our aim is to produce independent, intelligent learners who are well-rounded and respectful individuals through the guidance and support of patient and committed educators, mentors and coaches.

We adopt a fair management system alongside the use of role models and a positive yet hard working attitude on and off the field.

How does it work?

Students will be coached by Super League-qualified coach Mr Grayburn, and ex-footballer Mr Stead within their sports scholarship sessions.  Behaviour is monitored and the scholar’s place on the programme is subject to their behaviour and attitude in all areas of the school environment.

Who can apply?

Anyone can apply, the programme is open to all athletes both male and female and is non selective depending on intake and participation. 

Contact: p.grayburn@asa.hslt.academy or c.stead@asa.hslt.academy for more information

You can find out more about our Sports Scholarships here and our Spotlight Scholarships here.


Tier 4 and 5 of our Empower inclusion provision allows our students to learn in an environment that better suits their needs. 


At KS3 (years 7, 8 and 9), students in our Reconnect provision follow a bespoke 7 week package planned by ELT for each subject. 

Based on boosting key skills in each subject and facilitating a successful reintegration into the mainstream curriculum. 

This will facilitate integration into Reconnect and re-integration into mainstream lessons once their placement in Reconnect has ended.


  • English x 8 per fortnight 
  • Maths x 7 per fortnight 
  • Science x 6 per fortnight
  • RE x 4 per fortnight
  • PE x 4 per fortnight
  • PSHE x 2 lessons per fortnight
  • History x 2 lessons per fortnight
  • Geography x 2 lessons per fortnight

Therapeutic Provision:

  • Music x 2 per fortnight
  • Art x 2 per fortnight
  • Drama x 2 per fortnight

Learning Support Interventions:

  • Read Write Inc x 4 per fortnight (= 2 hours per week)
  • Reading Plus x 4 per fortnight (= 2 hours per week)
  • Other tailored SEND provision, according to need

Vocational Curriculum (designed to re-engage students):

  • Motor Vehicle Engineering OR Child Care (running concurrently) x 5 per fortnight



At tier 5 of our Rebuild provision for students in all years from 7 to 11 is longer term (with phased reintegration of students into mainstream provision, or phased reintegration of students into mixed provision being an option). 

Rebuild1 (Y7 to Y9): follow a predominantly mainstream Key Stage 3 timetable 

Rebuild2 (Y10): follow a full suite of GCSE courses, including:

  • 1 option course determined centrally
  • 2 open options choices

Rebuild3 (Y11): follow a tailored set of GCSE courses (legacy provision).

Learning Support Interventions:

  • Read Write Inc or Reading Plus, as appropriate to need
  • Tailored SEND provision, according to need
  • Bespoke support (e.g. ELSA, anger management, work skills)


All students at ASA are CAT and NGRT tested when they arrive at the Academy. Students who have a Standardised Assessment Score of 90 or below are then screened for the Fresh Start phonics programme. When students graduate this intervention programme, they are able to successfully decode phonic sounds and improve their ability to access the curriculum. Students who graduate Fresh Start are then encouraged to further improve their reading skills by engaging with Reading Plus (please see below). Reading Plus was piloted as a reading intervention last year, and from October 2023, Reading Plus will be available for all of our students in order to improve their reading fluency. Please see www.readingplus.com for more information on this award-winning electronic programme. 

Other literacy-based interventions provided to support students include handwriting, Time to Read, Dyslexia 1-1 and Reading Plus. 


Archbishop Sentamu Academy
1 Bilton Grove
Hull, HU9 5YB

01482 781912

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