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Sentamu Sentinel April 2022 – World Book Day

ASA celebrates World Book Day

By Sarah-Ella Bursell

On Thursday 3 March, the students and teachers of Archbishop Sentamu Academy took part in World Book Day activities organised and planned by the lovely Miss O’Sullivan from the English department.

Miss O’Sullivan packed the day with fun activities with prizes to be won. This included a bingo style treasure hunt, where students had to find staff members dressed as specific characters and get their card stamped.

There were over 60 successful candidates who won a prize which consisted of chocolate treats. Both students and teachers displayed some amazing costumes. Lots of students came dressed up as pop culture figures from books like The Vampire Diaries and Diary of a Wimpy Kid, as well as comic book characters.

The staff also put in a great amount of effort with their costumes; some memorable mentions are Miss O’Sullivan as The Cat in the Hat, Mr Riches as Mrs Doubtfire, and the wonderful Science department with their Peter Pan theme.

Each person who took part in wearing a costume contributed a pound coin. Overall, it was an amazing and successful day raising a total of around £300, which will be going towards new books for the new library. Student suggestions about what books we should buy with the proceeds are welcome – please just speak with Mrs Spencer, the School Librarian.


Archbishop Sentamu Academy
1 Bilton Grove
Hull, HU9 5YB

01482 781912

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