01482 781912 | Directions
Louise Beasley | Interim Principal

Uniform and Equipment

Uniform and equipment
At Archbishop Sentamu Academy, we take pride in our school uniform and ask parents and carers to support the school in maintaining our high standards and expectations. 
All items must be clearly marked with the student’s name
The following items MUST be worn each day 
* Blue academy blazer including school logo 

* Year group specific tie  


  • Plain white collared shirt
  • Plain black full length trousers (no leggings, denim or tracksuit bottoms)
  • Black footwear
Footwear must be: 
  • Low heeled and black 
  • Made from leather or faux leather 
  • Free from decoration, colours or logos
  • No sliders or crocs, shoes must fasten fully to the feet
* The school blazer and tie must be purchased from the schools uniform provider, Steady School Wear. All other items are available from a wide range of shops and do not have to be specific types. 
Steady School Wear 
29 Holderness Road
HU8 7NA 
01482 322982
Optional items on the Steady School Wear website: 
  • School jumper
Jewellery and make up
  • Facial piercings are not allowed
  • Nails should be a short, safe length for school
  • Stud earrings only 
Pre-loved uniform 
The school has a range of pre-loved uniform which is available on all parents evenings, transition events and school community events. 
If you would like to donate items to the pre-loved uniform store, please bring clean items to reception. 
Please contact communitysupport@asa.hslt.academy if you need to access this outside of those times. Students can also speak to their form tutor or head of year if they would like to access the pre-loved uniform. 
PE Kit Expectations
For PE lessons, all students need the following kit: 
  • Royal blue short sleeved polo shirt (available from Steady School Wear) or unbranded navy/black T-shirt or polo shirt (no logos) 
  • Black shorts OR tracksuit bottoms OR sport leggings (unbranded and no logos)
  • Appropriate trainers or football/rugby boots
There are a range of optional sports wear available on Steady School Wear. These are not compulsory. 
If you are in a school team you will be provided with a bib to wear over the top of your PE kit. 
All students are expected to bring the following each day: 
  • Pen
  • Pencil
  • Ruler 
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Calculator
If you are struggling to afford the costs of uniform or equipment, please contact the academy on communitysupport@asa.hslt.academy.

Archbishop Sentamu Academy
1 Bilton Grove
Hull, HU9 5YB

01482 781912

Send us an email

Archbishop Sentamu Academy will provide a paper copy of the information on the school website if requested. Please email us with any requests.