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Louise Beasley | Interim Principal


SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities)

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Zoe Kirk. Our Link Governor with responsibility for SEND is Lucy Jordan.

All teachers have access to SEND students’ learning passports, which contain information to guide teachers on supporting and challenging their SEND students according to their specific area of need.

Additionally, we operate an Inclusive Classroom policy across all subjects in school, which aims to set out for all subjects the subject specific support for SEND learners that will operate in lessons in each subject.

Disabled Learners

Our aim is to make the curriculum fully inclusive for all. The Academy has an Accessibility Policy and Plan  (available on Our Policies page) which details how we achieve this for disabled learners and those with health conditions or impairments.

To summarise we ensure students can access the entire physical environment so they can be taught in specialist rooms where required, the curriculum is made accessible by providing students with specialist equipment, adapted resources and reasonable adjustments. Where an adjustment would have a detrimental effect on other students it can no longer be considered reasonable. For example if a planned Geography field trip involved climbing and a wheelchair user could not take part we would carefully consider how the trip could be made fully inclusive without disadvantaging any of the students. This may include the hiring of specialist equipment and instructors to enable the wheelchair user to take part in the activity, or an alternative activity taking place which is accessible to all. The trip would not be cancelled as this would be detrimental to all students involved.

By curriculum we include teaching and learning and the wider curriculum of the academy, such as participation in after academy clubs, leisure and cultural activities or visits. We also ensure that all information is accessible to disabled learners. The academy aims to work closely with anyone with disabilities, health conditions or impairments, their families and any relevant outside agencies in order to remove or minimise any potential barriers to learning, which may put students at a disadvantage. By working closely with students, families and other appropriate agencies and staff members, this successfully allows students to learn, achieve, participate fully and experience academy life.

Our approach towards a fully inclusive curriculum includes the following:

  • Identify actions and barriers promptly 
  • Set goals and targets
  • Consult on the proposed plan
  • Publicise the plan
  • Implementation of the plan including the allocation of internal and external resources
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the Plan

SEND Learners

Our aim is to make the curriculum fully inclusive for all. The Academy has a SEND Policy which details how we achieve this for SEND students, below details what we do to try and ensure a fully inclusive curriculum.

The academy provides support across the following areas to ensure all SEND learners can access the curriculum:

Communication and interaction

The SENDCo or a member of the SEND team will work with students, parents, and language and communication experts where necessary to ensure students with SLCN reach their potential. This could include Northcott Outreach for ASD students.

Cognition and learning

Students with learning difficulties may require support to enjoy success across the curriculum – the academy will offer learning support at the discretion of the SENDCo/SEND Team and will be delivered by a teacher or trained support staff. For example, such students may have access to Read Write Inc Fresh Start or Reading Plus for literacy and to tailored numeracy provision delivered by an experienced HLTA.

Social, emotional and mental health difficulties

Students may experience a wide range of social and emotional difficulties that manifest themselves in many ways, including becoming withdrawn or isolated, or displaying challenging, disruptive and disturbing behaviour. This will affect how they engage with the curriculum. The academy will implement a Students’ Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy to support students with these difficulties. We also ensure that provisions and allowances are made for the ways in which these mental health difficulties can influence the behaviour of students with SEND within its Positive Learning and Behaviour Policy, including how we will manage the effect of any disruptive behaviour so that it doesn’t adversely affect other students. Such provision might also involve small group work, Lego therapy to build resilience skills, and ELSA provision for social and emotional needs.

Sensory and physical needs

Impairments that prevent or hinder students from using the academy facilities, such as vision impairment, do not necessarily have SEND. The academy will ensure staff understand that some conditions can be age-related and can fluctuate over time and a student with a disability is covered by the definition of SEND If they require any educational provision which is different from or additional to that which is required for the majority of children of the same age. 

The Academy Coordinates the specific provision made to support individual students with SEND, including those with EHC plans through the SENDCo. The Academy receives funding specific to Special Educational Needs direct from the Government. This funding is utilised in the staffing and purchase of specific resources needed to ensure all Special Educational Needs are met so they they can access the curriculum

The SENDCo liaises with the parents of students with SEND as well as with early years providers, other academy’s, educational psychologists, health and social care professionals, and independent or voluntary bodies and the LA as required. The SENDCo will also liaise with the potential future providers of education to ensure that SEND students and their parents are informed about the options, and a smooth transition is planned between the different curriculum key stages. The SENDCo also plans and reviews support for students with SEND on a graduated basis, in collaboration with parents, this ensures that engagement and success across the curriculum is maximised.

Teaching and support colleagues receive regular CPD and professional guidance so they can better support SEND students in the classroom and gain greater access to the curriculum specific to individual needs. Teachers set high expectations for every student aiming to teach them the full curriculum, whatever the SEND needs. Lessons are planned to address potential areas of difficulty to ensure that there are no barriers to every student achieving; every student with SEND is able to study the full national curriculum or differentiated curriculum where appropriate.

Link: ASA – SEND Information Report (2024-25)

You can contact our SENDCo, Zoe Kirk, via email here.

All of our SEND and medication policies are available at; asa.hslt.academy/policies and paper copies are available upon request. 

Any complaints in relation to SEND will be handled inline with the Complaints Policy and Procedure.

The Hull Local Offer

In Hull, there are lots of support services available to children with disabilities or special educational needs and their families. The Local Offer aims to provide you with information about education, health, social care or parental support, regardless of who’s providing it.

Find out more here

Archbishop Sentamu Academy
1 Bilton Grove
Hull, HU9 5YB

01482 781912

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Archbishop Sentamu Academy will provide a paper copy of the information on the school website if requested. Please email us with any requests.