01482 781912 | Directions
Chris Reynolds | Principal

Enrichment Opportunities

Enrichment Opportunities

All students can access a range of enrichment opportunities during the course of the school year. These range from large group or whole-school activities to opportunities within their subjects. The following list contains some of the activities that are available during the year:

  • Trips and Visits
  • Guest Speakers
  • Scholarship Programmes
  • The Mandarin Excellence Programme
  • National/Subject-Specific Events & Celebrations
  • Community & Charity Work
  • Student Leadership Opportunities
  • Revision/Intervention Sessions
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award

To see exclusive photos and videos from these, please like our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/sentamuacademy


Trips and Visits:

These are organised across a range of subjects and year groups, and range from day trips in the local area to residential and overseas visits. Should any of these be available to your son/daughter, you will be notified with details well in advance of the trip happening. Some, of the many examples, include:

  • Pride Summit Trip
  • Hull Uni Visits
  • Coastal Visits
  • Photography Trips
  • Sports Fixtures and Tournaments


Community Events:

We are proud to organise and host, along with our students, parents/carers and the local community, events during the course of the year. These will be advertised on social media and in our monthly parent/carer newsletter as and when they occur. Examples include:

  • School Production
  • Christmas Fair
  • Easter Event
  • Summer Fair
  • Termly Food Banks
  • Pride Events


KS4-5 Revision/Intervention Sessions:

There’s a strong revision package available both during and outside of school hours for those students who are preparing for exams this year. Examples include:

  • Before school revision sessions
  • Lunchtime revision sessions
  • After school revision sessions
  • School holiday revision sessions

Archbishop Sentamu Academy
1 Bilton Grove
Hull, HU9 5YB

01482 781912

Send us an email

Archbishop Sentamu Academy will provide a paper copy of the information on the school website if requested. Please email us with any requests.