01482 781912 | Directions
Louise Beasley | Interim Principal

Parent Guides

A Guide to EduLink One for Parents and Carers

At Archbishop Sentamu Academy we use an online portal called Edulink One. The platform pulls together information from a range of existing school systems with an easy to use interface giving you access to your child’s activity in school. 

So what can Edulink One do?

Achievement/Behaviour – Will show any Student Achievement rewards and Behaviour records for your children.

Attendance – Parents/carers will be view statutory attendance statistics.

Update Information – Keep the school up to date with your current contact information. Parents/carers can access and edit their contact details and their child’s information and consents.

Timetable – This gives you a view of your child’s current timetable and will be kept up to date with any changes of teachers, groups or rooms as they happen.

Documents – Parents/carers can access all Progress Grade Reports enabling them to be viewed/downloaded.

Exams – This will give you information about any exams your child may be taking. You will find an exam timetable as well as exam entries.

Forms – Parents/carers will be able to complete forms quickly and easily without having to send paper copies home.

Contacts – This screen will show you the contact information we have for Parents/carers .

Parents’ Evening – Parents/carers can book their slots with teachers ready for upcoming parents’ evenings

Links – Parents can access useful links from within EduLink


Edulink Help Guide

We have put together a How-To guide on using Edulink One – Edulink – Parent/Carer How To Guide


There are two ways to access EduLink One:

Web Browser

You can visit https://www.edulinkone.com/#!/login?code=asa on any modern web browser. After clicking the link you will be taken straight to the EduLink One login page for ASA. Here you will just need to enter your username and password to log in. This will have been sent to via Text or E-mail. 

If you forget your username or password, you can use the ‘Reset Login’ option or visit https://www.edulinkone.com/#!/reset. Alternatively contact us edulink@asa.hslt.academy.



The EduLink app is available to download free of charge for Apple and Android devices:

Parent Mail

Please click the following link for the ParentMail user guide: ParentMail User Guide

Archbishop Sentamu Academy
1 Bilton Grove
Hull, HU9 5YB

01482 781912

Send us an email

Archbishop Sentamu Academy will provide a paper copy of the information on the school website if requested. Please email us with any requests.