Our ASA Enrichment intent is to give all learners the knowledge, experiences and cultural capital needed to succeed in life. Through our enrichment and extended-enrichment programmes, students are exposed to a rich and diverse range of internal and external opportunities, which form our ASA Enrichment Offer consisting of 6 key elements:
All students can access a range of enrichment opportunities during the course of the school year. These range from large group or whole-school activities to opportunities within their subjects. The following list contains some of the activities that are available during the year:
To see exclusive photos and videos from these, please like our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/sentamuacademy
Trips and Visits:
These are organised across a range of subjects and year groups, and range from day trips in the local area to residential and overseas visits. Should any of these be available to your son/daughter, you will be notified with details well in advance of the trip happening. Some, of the many examples, include:
Community Events:
We are proud to organise and host, along with our students, parents/carers and the local community, events during the course of the year. These will be advertised on social media and in our monthly parent/carer newsletter as and when they occur. Examples include:
KS4-5 Revision/Intervention Sessions:
There’s a strong revision package available both during and outside of school hours for those students who are preparing for exams this year. Examples include:
We have a wide range of clubs and activities available during the year for our students to take part in, such as sports, performing arts, subject-specific, etc.
Details are announced directly to the students during tutor time, in relevant lessons or through our social media pages and monthly parent/carer newsletter, as some clubs vary throughout the year.
The following list contains just some of the many extended-enrichment activities that are available:
Students should speak to their PE teachers regarding sports teams at the academy.
To see exclusive photos and videos from these, please like our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/sentamuacademy
Our current Extended-Enrichment Timetable is available to view below or on the following link; ASA Extended-Enrichment Timetable