01482 781912 | Directions
Louise Beasley | Interim Principal

ASA Enrichment Offer

ASA Enrichment Offer

Our ASA Enrichment intent is to give all learners the knowledge, experiences and cultural capital needed to succeed in life. Through our enrichment and extended-enrichment programmes, students are exposed to a rich and diverse range of internal and external opportunities, which form our ASA Enrichment Offer consisting of 6 key elements:

  • Community and Leadership: Community projects and leadership opportunities at ASA and beyond, e.g. organising school events, student parliament, peer-mentoring, representing the Academy in sports events/competitions, charity projects, etc.
  • Cultural: Experiences designed to increase students’ cultural knowledge, e.g. art gallery visits, play performances, contact with authors, etc.
  • Enterprise: Opportunities to enrich students’ knowledge of the world of work/enterprise, e.g. Youth Enterprise, local business visits, work experience, etc.
  • Heritage: Experiences to enrich students’ knowledge of their heritage, e.g. history visits, work with the Hull Minster, court visits, etc.
  • Wellbeing: Opportunities to increase students’ wellbeing, e.g. mindfulness training, revision/study skills workshops, sports/physical activity, etc.
  • World: Experiences designed to enrich students’ knowledge of the wider world, e.g. school visits abroad, the Mandarin Excellence Programme, etc.

Enrichment Opportunities

All students can access a range of enrichment opportunities during the course of the school year. These range from large group or whole-school activities to opportunities within their subjects. The following list contains some of the activities that are available during the year:

  • Trips and Visits
  • Guest Speakers
  • Scholarship Programmes
  • The Mandarin Excellence Programme
  • National/Subject-Specific Events & Celebrations
  • Community & Charity Work
  • Student Leadership Opportunities
  • Revision/Intervention Sessions
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award

To see exclusive photos and videos from these, please like our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/sentamuacademy

Trips and Visits:

These are organised across a range of subjects and year groups, and range from day trips in the local area to residential and overseas visits. Should any of these be available to your son/daughter, you will be notified with details well in advance of the trip happening. Some, of the many examples, include:

  • Pride Summit Trip
  • Hull Uni Visits
  • Coastal Visits
  • Photography Trips
  • Sports Fixtures and Tournaments

Community Events:

We are proud to organise and host, along with our students, parents/carers and the local community, events during the course of the year. These will be advertised on social media and in our monthly parent/carer newsletter as and when they occur. Examples include:

  • School Production
  • Christmas Fair
  • Easter Event
  • Summer Fair
  • Termly Food Banks
  • Pride Events

KS4-5 Revision/Intervention Sessions:

There’s a strong revision package available both during and outside of school hours for those students who are preparing for exams this year. Examples include:

  • Before school revision sessions
  • Lunchtime revision sessions
  • After school revision sessions
  • School holiday revision sessions

Extended-Enrichment Opportunities

We have a wide range of clubs and activities available during the year for our students to take part in, such as sports, performing arts, subject-specific, etc.

Details are announced directly to the students during tutor time, in relevant lessons or through our social media pages and monthly parent/carer newsletter, as some clubs vary throughout the year.

The following list contains just some of the many extended-enrichment activities that are available:

  • Netball
  • Dodgeball
  • Guitar Club
  • Drama Productions
  • Sports Stars Club
  • Gym Club
  • Photography
  • Rugby
  • Football
  • Rounders
  • Specific Subjects/Hobbies
  • Sports Fixtures
  • The Duke of Edinburgh Award

Students should speak to their PE teachers regarding sports teams at the academy.

To see exclusive photos and videos from these, please like our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/sentamuacademy

Our current Extended-Enrichment Timetable is available to view below or on the following link; ASA Extended-Enrichment Timetable


Archbishop Sentamu Academy
1 Bilton Grove
Hull, HU9 5YB

01482 781912

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Archbishop Sentamu Academy will provide a paper copy of the information on the school website if requested. Please email us with any requests.