01482 781912 | Directions
Chris Reynolds | Principal

Breakfast Club

Each morning, at 8am, the Academy opens its doors to all students for Breakfast Club.

The average attendance at Breakfast Club is around 140 students each morning.

The National School Breakfast Programme

This year, ASA joined the government’s National School Breakfast Programme (NSBP), which is being delivered by the charities Family Action and Magic Breakfast.

As a NSBP school, we are pleased to offer a healthy school breakfast, available to all, and enjoy the benefits that brings. This ensures students are ready to learn at the start of the day.

For more information, please contact hello@asa.hslt.academy

Archbishop Sentamu Academy
1 Bilton Grove
Hull, HU9 5YB

01482 781912

Send us an email

Archbishop Sentamu Academy will provide a paper copy of the information on the school website if requested. Please email us with any requests.