01482 781912 | Directions
Louise Beasley | Interim Principal

About Us

Archie is the spirit of the Archbishop Sentamu Academy, reflecting its vision and underpinning its values.

We believe that everyone has unique, God-given talents and gifts; everyone can achieve and everyone can be extraordinary.

Being a part of Archie means that together, we can achieve more, and that to be truly successful you have to aim high and work hard in teams, as well as individually.

We are caring, inclusive and proud of our Christian ethos. From day one, our students are taught that if they serve each other and work together, they can achieve far more that by working alone. We recognise that every student may need some special support during their time with us, so we ensure that students have access to a mentor if they would like one. This ensures they have everything they need to stay on track, and to achieve.

We invite you to join us in developing the “Archie Family” spirit and taking your place at the heart of a loyal community.

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We are proud to be members of the SSAT Secondary Network: SSAT 

Archbishop Sentamu Academy
1 Bilton Grove
Hull, HU9 5YB

01482 781912

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Archbishop Sentamu Academy will provide a paper copy of the information on the school website if requested. Please email us with any requests.