01482 781912 | Directions
Louise Beasley | Interim Principal
Religious Studies

Find out more about our RE Department here: RE Department

 All students will study and complete a full GCSE in Religious Studies.


Key Stage 4
GCSE: Religious Studies

Students will follow the WJEC Eduqas GCSE in Religious Studies Route A – Christianity and Islam (Full Course) specification

What will I study?

The Eduqas GCSE in Religious Studies aims to:

  • Develops learners’ knowledge and understanding of religions and non-religious beliefs, such as atheism and humanism
  • Develops learners’ knowledge and understanding of religious beliefs, teachings, practices, and sources of wisdom and authority, including through their reading of key religious texts, other texts, and scriptures of the religions they are studying
  • Develops learners’ ability to construct well-argued, well-informed, balanced and structured written arguments, demonstrating their depth and breadth of understanding of the subject
  • Provides opportunities for learners to engage with questions of belief, value, meaning, purpose, truth, and their influence on human life
  • Challenges learners to reflect on and develop their own values, beliefs and attitudes in the light of what they have learnt and contributes to their preparation for adult life in a pluralistic society and global community.
Long-term plans

Year 10 GCSE RE 2024/25

Year 11 GCSE RE 2024/25


High quality and inclusive RE

At ASA, high quality and inclusive RE is provided for all pupils in all year groups. Our intent for all pupils is to deliver an RE curriculum that encourages students to be “religiously literate, culturally aware and philosophically curious”, and to develop pupils’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural awareness.  Our RE curriculum  is structured and implemented  in accordance with the Diocese of York and Leeds RE syllabus and follows the expectations of the Statement of Entitlement for RE in Church Schools

Right of Withdrawal

Parents/carers do have the right to withdraw pupils from RE lessons, or any part of the RE curriculum. If you wish to do this, please make an appointment with the RE subject leader in school. HSLT does not support selective withdrawal from RE.

Our schools have a duty to supervise pupils withdrawn from RE, though not to provide additional teaching or to incur extra cost. Where the pupil has been withdrawn, alternative arrangements will be made for RE of the kind the parents/guardians want the pupil to receive. These arrangements will be made by the parents/guardians. The school is not expected to make these arrangements. This RE provision could be at the school in question, or by another school in the locality. If neither approach is practicable, the pupil may receive external RE teaching as long as the withdrawal does not significantly impact on the child’s attendance.

Link: Religious Education (RE) Policy

Link: Collective Worship Policy

Archbishop Sentamu Academy
1 Bilton Grove
Hull, HU9 5YB

01482 781912

Send us an email

Archbishop Sentamu Academy will provide a paper copy of the information on the school website if requested. Please email us with any requests.